For the healthy science community


The scientific subscription to improve health and performance

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It is published every three months and has the collaboration of the best researchers, trainers, doctors, nutritionists and physiotherapists. In each issue we address various topics related to health and physical performance, so you can always learn the latest in these areas.

In this number:

The July 2024 issue is here



Now you can learn about physiology, nutrition, sports... effectively and with scientific rigor. In the format of knowledge pills you can learn from prestigious researchers, trainers, and nutritionists. We analyze the latest research and explain practical proposals.

Our Proposal

We filter the ocean of information for you

There is too much information on the internet, and often contradictory. How do you know which one is really valuable? We make it easy for you. We have the best international scientists, trainers, nutritionists and doctors to rigorously explain the latest advances in health and performance, helping you apply them in your daily life.

You can read us, listen to us and see us. Learn how and when you want. Our goal is to create learning formats that adapt to your needs. If you prefer to read, you have the written articles. If you like audio, you can listen to more than 150 audio-articles and podcasts while you walk, do homework or train. In addition, our masterclasses and live webinars, which are then recorded, address different topics with rigor and in a friendly and attractive language.

The topics we discuss have direct application in your daily life. Knowledge is power, and we believe it is key to understand the foundations of physiology, training and health to accurately implement changes. We help you learn and save time so you can focus on improving your health and performance.

We publish and record new articles and audio-articles every week. In addition, we send you all this content through our newsletter “Time of Science”. This, added to the more than 900 articles and audio-articles, 15 webinars and all issues of Fissac Magazine, guarantees you constant access to quality information.

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